Project 1: Imaginary houses GAN

This is a project that I worked on to get more comfortable with Pytorch and general adversarial models (GANs). I created and cleaned a dataset of fantasy house images from the internet and set up and trained a GAN to generate 512x512 fantasy-themed houses. I leveraged transfer learning and tried out different GAN strategies, such as using a Wasserstein loss and label smoothing.

Project 2: COVID-19 epigenetic age assessment

  • analyzed GSE16702, a dataset of COVID-19 methylation samples, with AltumAge, a deep learning epigenetic clock model
  • found that male COVID-19 patients are on average biologically 1.8 years older relative to their chronological age than male patients without COVID-19

Project 3: Preprint average sentences

For this project I made a made a preprint summarizer that helps get a quick overview of a preprints for a biomed topic. The summarizer scrapes preprints for a searched topic, returns the most average sentence for each preprint, and clusters similar preprints together. Each preprint can then be skimmed by reading the most average sentence per paragraph.

Project 4: Hand gesture recognition for computer navigation

  • trained a gesture recognition model using MediaPipe, OpenCV, and Pytorch Lightning
  • trained the model to recognize 26 different hand gestures
  • set up gestures recognition events (such as using a mouse, changing the volume, or changing tabs) using AutoPy, pynput, and pycaw